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Peridot is a stunning semi-precious gemstone that belongs to the Olivine mineral family. Its gorgeous green color and natural sparkle make it a popular choice for jewelry, especially for those who appreciate unique and eye-catching pieces.

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Know more about Peridot (Mani Stone)

What is Peridot Stone?

The tale of gemstones is as old as time! They have been revered by different cultures, kings, queens, and the common men alike. They have been adored for their beauty, astronomical powers, and healing properties. Do you know which stone is one of the oldest gemstones known to humankind? We are talking about the stunning green gem - Peridot Stone.

Peridot is one of the few stones that do not form beneath the earth's crust. This stone forms in the molten rocks of the earth's upper mantle. It is popular among jewelry makers and gem collectors for its vivid and bright green color. It's well-known in the astrology realm for its impeccable healing abilities and powers.

Peridot stone in Hindi is known as Ghritmani or Mani Stone. As per Vedic Astro experts, this stone represents the influential planet - Mercury. A favorable Mercury in one's birth chart can offer myriad benefits. However, if it's ill-placed it can bring challenges into a native's life. To strengthen the position of Budh, consider wearing the Mani Stone. Let's know more about Peridot below.

Types of Peridot Stone

Peridot stone can be of different types based on color. Here are some various types of peridot below.

  • Grass green
  • Olive green
  • Yellow green
  • Brownish green

Benefits of Peridot Stone

As per astrology, a natural peridot stone represents the planet, Mercury (Budh). It represents the principles of mentality, intellect, and communication in a native's birth chart. This planet shapes how a person thinks, talks, and comprehends things. By wearing the Mani Stone, one can strengthen Mercury's position in their Kundali. A well-placed Mercury in your birth chart can bring unimaginable blessings and benefits.

Let's look at all the peridot benefits below.

  • Mental Clarity: Wearing a Mani Stone helps gain mental clarity. The stone clears obsessive thoughts to help the wearer make better decisions. It also develops the personality and liveliness of the wearer, removing feelings of jealousy, anger, and fear.
  • Good Health: This stone boosts strength and vitality in an individual. Ghritmani helps keep the wearer's mind and body calm and composed. This further helps them make better life decisions.
  • Enhances Happiness: Peridot encourages the wearer to stay in the present. This positive attitude makes a person happier and content with their life. This leads to sound sleep, rest, and overall good health.
  • Boosts Creativity: This gemstone is excellent for boosting creativity and eloquence. This helps the wearer attract abundance, wealth, and prosperity, ultimately achieving financial stability.
  • Protective Stone: Upon wearing Mani Stone, a person will attract positive vibes in every situation. This is a protective stone that keeps negativities at bay, ensuring no accidents or mishaps cross your path.
  • Improves Relationships: The gemstone is also synonymous with love. Wearing this beautiful green stone enhances love, trust, loyalty, and happiness. The stone makes you feel joyful in love and romantic relationships.
  • Physical Healing: Finally, Peridot offers countless physical healing benefits. This gemstone can help cure issues related to the lungs, spleen, intestinal tract, lymph, and breasts. Besides, it's also great for sinus, asthma, stomach, eyes, liver, and thyroid.

How to Choose the Best Peridot Stone?

There's no doubt that peridot is an excellent healing and beneficial gemstone. But how does a buyer choose the best natural peridot stone to wear and gain these benefits? When buying this stone, there are some key quality attributes that one must remember. Keeping these pointers in mind while buying can help them select a good quality Mani Stone.

Let's get conversant with the quality factors below.

  • Color: Peridot offers a broad color range - yellowish-green, brownish-green, or luxuriant grass-green. The most preferred color of this stone is a rich and saturated grass-green color. Also, the freer the hue is of any brown tints, the better.
  • Clarity: The finest quality Mani Stone will be free of inclusions. Yet, there can be a few tiny black spots or reflective disk-like inclusions. The disk-shaped inclusions are also known as "lily pads."
  • Cut: Another important factor to consider is the cut of the stone. Peridot is available in various cut shapes like ovals, rounds, cushions, emeralds & more. Choose a skillfully cut stone that maximizes its body color and brilliance.
  • Carat: The carat refers to the weight of the gemstone. The more carat your Mani Stone has the better. As per astrology, you must wear a stone that is 1/12th of your total body weight.
  • Lighting: Checking this stone under different lights can help identify a good-quality gem. Unlike other gemstones, peridot stays true to its color under various types of light, be it natural or artificial.
  • Treatments: Unlike other stones, peridot usually doesn't go under any treatments. This is because this stone has a steady color under all kinds of lights.

If you want to buy 100% original peridot, contact us at GemsRoot. We offer natural stone at the best prices with GRS-lab certificates. Besides, we also customize a natural peridot stone ring, pendant or bracelet.

How Many Carats of Peridot Stone Should I Wear?

Be it peridot or any other gemstone, wearing the right carat weight stone is important. This makes it effortless for the wearer to harness the benefits of the stone. As per experts, it's best to follow the basic rule of 1/12th. One should wear a gem that is 1/12th of their total body weight. So, if you weigh 60 Kg, you must wear a 5-carat peridot gemstone (5.45-Ratti).

Price of Peridot Stone

Like every other gemstone, several key quality factors influence the peridot stone price. These factors can be color, clarity, carat, cut, lighting, and treatment history. The more high-quality these attributes will be, the pricier will be the Mani Stone. In general, the natural peridot stone price in India can start from INR 1,000/- and can go up to INR 3,000/- per carat plus.

Who Should Wear Peridot Stone?

As discussed, Peridot offers a plethora of astrological and healing benefits. But can every zodiac sign wear and make the most of this stone? Usually, the natives of Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Aquarius, and Capricorn can wear the gem. Besides, if you want to know if natural peridot stone suits you, consult an astrologer at GemsRoot.

How to Wear Peridot Stone?

A peridot gemstone offers the most benefits when one wears it in a proper manner. Wearing Mani Stone can offer countless mental, emotional, and physical healing and benefits. So, make sure to follow a Vedic ritual before wearing your natural peridot stone ring. To perform the Vidhi, you would the following items in the list below.

  • Raw cow's milk
  • Ganga Jal
  • Honey
  • Ghee
  • Tulsi Leaves

Once you have all the items, take a clean metal bowl. In the metal bowl, add all the items in the list to make a Panchamrit. Now, immerse your natural peridot stone ring in the Panchamrit and leave it for 5-10 minutes. While the ornament is in the bowl, chant "Om Budhaye Namha/ॐ बुधाय नमः |" for 108 times.

After that, take your ring out of the mixture and rinse it with normal water. When there are no residues left on the stone, take a soft lint-free cloth, and pat it dry. Now your ring or other choice of ornament is ready to wear. You can also take the help of a Pundit to perform the Puja Vidhi.

  • Auspicious Day: Wednesday
  • Auspicious Time: 5 AM - 7:30 AM
  • Ideal Metal: Silver or Gold
  • Ideal Finger: Little or ring finger or as suggested by the astrologer
  • Mantra: Chant "Om Budhaye Namha/ॐ बुधाय नमः |" for 108 times

How Do I Activate Peridot Stone?

Before reaching you, your peridot gemstone has been through many hands. This leads to the stone absorbing different energies, both positive and negative. It's crucial to remove the negative vibrations before adorning the gem. Through activation, we can remove negative vibrations and foster positive ones. The activation will further provide favorable benefits to the wearer.

To activate your Mani Stone, place your natural peridot stone ring on a clean cloth. Then fold your hands to pray and recite the mantra "Om Budhaye Namha/ॐ बुधाय नमः |" 108 times. While you do this pray to Lord Mercury and ask for his blessings. You may also set your intentions and the results you'd like to receive.

Or you can use the sunlight or the moonlight to activate your astrological gemstone. To activate under the sun, put your ornament in a bowl with water and place it under the sunlight for 2-3 hours. Then take it out and wear it. To activate under the moon, place your stone under direct moonlight. Make sure to leave it overnight and wear it the next morning.

How to Take Care of Peridot Stone?

Peridot (Ghritmani) is a durable stone with a 6.5-7 rating on the Mohs scale. This indicates that the gemstone is ideal for daily use, but it's still not as hard as rubies or sapphires. That's why one should handle Mani Stone with care to avoid damage. Also, maintain the gem's beauty and powers.

The best way to clean a Ghritmani stone is by using warm, soapy water and a soft lint-free cloth. Dampen the cloth by dipping it in warm soapy water and clean around the stone. Then rinse the stone well with normal water and pat dry making sure there are no residues. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners and hot streamers at all costs.

Finally, keep your peridot away from other harder and softer gemstones. This will ensure the gem doesn't scratch or get scratched. You can store Mani Stone in a different jewelry box with a fabric lining, or you can put it in a soft jewelry pouch. If you follow these simple measures, your natural peridot stone ring will last for years.

Alternative Options of Peridot Stone

Peridot is a popular substitute of Emerald (Panna Stone) and is also known as the "evening emerald." This stone is a good alternative for the planet Mercury (Budha). Both these gemstones appear and offer benefits alike.

If you're looking for a reasonable and stunning green stone, then Mani Stone is the way to go. The natural peridot stone price in India can start from INR 1,000/- and go up to 3,000/- per carat plus. Contact GemsRoot to buy 100% natural peridot at the best prices.


Who Can Wear Peridot Stone?

In general, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Aquarius, and Capricorn signs can wear peridot. But if you're attracted to the allure of this stone and want to wear it, contact GemsRoot. Expert astrologers at GemsRoot offer gem advice based on your date of birth/birth chart.

Is Peridot a Precious Stone?

Peridot is a semi-precious stone prized for its beautiful yellow-green color. This stone occurs in meteorites, lava and deep in the earth's mantle. Unlike other gemstone, Mani Stone does not form in the earth's crust. It forms in the molten rocks of the earth's upper mantle.

How Much is a Peridot Stone?

Peridot (Mani Stone) is reasonable compared to other zodiac gemstones. The peridot stone price in India can range between INR 1,000/- and 3,000/- per carat plus. If you want to know more about natural peridot stone price, contact us at GemsRoot.

Is Peridot a Soft Stone?

No, a natural peridot stone is not a soft gemstone. This gemstone has a 6.5-7 rating on the Mohs scale, which indicates fair to good hardness. Mani Stone is durable enough for everyday wear and use with optimal care and maintenance.

How to Wear Peridot Stone Ring?

To wear your peridot stone ring, you need to follow a proper Vedic procedure. In a metal bowl add raw cow's milk, Ganga Jal, Tulsi leaves, honey, and Ghee to make Panchamrit. Now, in the bowl, immerse your ring for 5-10 minutes and recite the mantra "Om Budhaye Namha/ॐ बुधाय नमः |" for 108 times. After this, you can wear your natural Peridot stone ring.

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