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Orange sapphire is one of the most desired, vibrant, and popular gemstones from Corundum mineral family. This September birthstone is abundantly mined from Africa, Australia, Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the US.

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Know more about ORANGE SAPPHIRE

Orange Sapphire Stone is the beacon of artistic truth! Legend has it as a loving creation of heart and soul into the world. This bright and precious gemstone carries the warmth and energy of the sun. Its internal fire can ignite your creativity, prowess, wisdom, and knowledge. Many wore it as a talisman for vitality, happiness, and strength.

Orange Sapphire Stone in Hindi is well-known as Santari Neelam. Like every Sapphire, this gem also comes from the corundum mineral family. Orange Sapphire Stone gets its color from the trace elements - iron and chromium. This gemstone is loved worldwide for its light pastel to vibrant orangish-red color.

 The physical and chemical properties of Orange Sapphire Stone are below.

MineralCorundum (Aluminum Oxide
Chemical FormulaAl2O3 + Fe, Ti, Cr
Hardness9 on the Mohs scale
ColorPale pastel to vibrant orange, orangish-red
Refractive Index1.762 – 1.770
Specific Gravity4.00
OriginSri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania

Types of Orange Sapphire Stone

We can classify Orange Sapphire based on color and origin. Let us look at diverse types of Santari Neelam below.

  • Fancy Orange Sapphire: A fancy Orange Sapphire Stone exhibits pure orange color. There are no overtones of pink or purple. Also, the color intensity can vary from light to bright orange hue.
  • Orange Star Sapphire: This variety displays an effect known as asterism under a specific kind of light. The star shape forms due to rutile inclusions present in their crystal structure. This stone's color is a mix of yellow and orange. Also, Star Sapphire has its metaphysical properties.
  • Ceylon Orange Sapphire: Santari Neelam from Sri Lanka is well-known as Ceylon Orange Sapphire. This variety is the finest with a pure orange hue and excellent clarity. Some stones might also display subtle overtones of pink and purple.
  • Madagascar Orange Sapphire: Santari Neelam from Madagascar is also considered of high quality. Madagascar has good gem-grade Sapphires with varying orange color ranges.

Benefits of Orange Sapphire Stone

The bright Orange Sapphire Stone is full of metaphysical and healing properties. The gem's radiant sunset hue is often associated with joy, creativity, emotional balance, and passion. If you want to boost your creativity, passion and emotional healing, this gemstone is an excellent choice. Let us look at more Santari Neelam benefits below.

  • Improve Communication: Wearing Santari Neelam can improve your communication skills. It can help you express and articulate your mind clearly and concisely. This stone will also encourage you to socialize more, helping you expand your friend circle.
  • Boosts Motivation: If you lack motivation, adorning this stone can help you get back on track. Santari Neelam can fill you with passion, enthusiasm, and optimism. The positive energies and vibrations of this gem can guide you towards the right path.
  • Attracts Prosperity: Orange Sapphire Stone also attracts prosperity and good fortune. If you want to sustain blessings and fulfil your dreams, consider wearing this stone. It can open your mind to innovative ideas and opportunities, enabling greater success in life.
  • Improves Relationships: Santari Neelam also helps remove negativity from your heart and relations. So, wearing it makes your relationship stronger, more joyful, and pleasant. Married couples can use this gem to enhance warmth in their lifelong companionship.
  • Stimulates Sacral Chakra: This gemstone can also help stimulate the sacral chakra. This chakra is linked to creativity, emotions, and sensuality. Adorning Santari Neelam can help you work out your fears and set healthy boundaries. It also improves your loving and caring abilities.
  • Fosters Spirituality: Santari Neelam can also enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. If you want to improve your meditation practice, this stone is ideal. Upon wearing the Orange Sapphire Stone, you will meditate better and gain spiritual understanding.
  • Physical Health Benefits: Finally, this gem also offers many physical health benefits. As per widespread belief, it can help regulate glands and treat blood disorders. It also strengthens and improves vein elasticity.

If you also want to harness these awe-inspiring benefits, contact GemsRoot. Our expert gemologists will help choose the best gemstone for you. They have the right knowledge to offer gem advice based on your date of birth, birth chart and Lagna. Call us today!

How to Choose the Best Orange Sapphire?

Orange Sapphire Stone is a rare gemstone. This led to the production and sale of fake or imitation stones in the market. So, to choose the best natural Santari Neelam, you must know the key quality factors. These factors can help you determine if a stone is real and its value.

Here is what to look for when choosing the finest quality Santari Neelam.

  • Color: The most crucial factor to consider when buying Orange Sapphire is color. A stone with pure and vivid orange color is the most prized color. The presence of any secondary color such as brown or yellow can decrease the gem's value. Also, look for consistency and saturation.
  • Clarity: Complete eye-clean Santari Neelam stones are rare and expensive. So, it is best to select one with as few inclusions and internal flaws as possible. Some needle-like inclusions are acceptable, yet they should not hamper the gem's beauty.
  • Cut: An excellent gem cut can enhance a stone's brilliance and appearance. So, pick a Santari Neelam cut which boosts light reflection, making it more desirable. Remember a cut also influences a gemstone's price.
  • Carat: Finding large-size Santari Neelam is rare. So, large gemstones are usually more expensive per carat compared to smaller ones. Nonetheless, key quality factors such as color, clarity and cut also matter.

Besides, factors like treatment, market demand and certification are also significant. We recommend getting Natural Santari Neelam with certificates verifying their authenticity. You can gemstone certificates from respected gemological labs like IGI, GRS and ITLGR. To know more, get in touch with GemsRoot.

How Many Carats of Orange Sapphire Should I Wear?

The size of a gemstone is a personal preference. Nonetheless, we recommend wearing a stone that is 1/10th of your total body weight. This helps the wearer gain the most benefits of adorning a gemstone. So, if your body weight is 60 Kg, you should wear at least a 6-carat Santari Neelam. For more information on the same, talk to our experts at GemsRoot.

Orange Sapphire Price

Orange Sapphire price in India can start from INR 700/- and can go up to INR 50,000/- per carat plus. The cost can further increase with better color, clarity, cut and carat. Natural and untreated Santari Neelam with excellent color and clarity is exceedingly rare. If such gemstones are available in the market, they usually command an extremely high price.

Who Should Wear Orange Sapphire?

This marvel of nature represents happiness, enthusiasm, and creativity. Light pastel to vivid orange hues enhances energy, warmth, positivity, and lively emotions. It is best for people seeking divine guidance to realize their dreams into reality. This stone is excellent for authors, musicians, and singers.

These are the people who want to express themselves through artistic ways. Santari Neelam can also help you communicate your thoughts and opinions better. Besides, this gem can help you embark on your spiritual journey. To know more about Santari Neelam's suitability, talk to our experts at GemsRoot.

How to Wear Orange Sapphire?

You can wear Santari Neelam in any jewelry form you want. The most common ways to wear it are in the form of rings, pendants, or bracelets. Adorning this gem will not only increase your style quotient but also improve your life and well-being. That is why Orange Sapphire stands out to gem lovers, jewelry makers and astrologers.

Before wearing the stone, you can perform a simple Vedic ritual. In a clean metal bowl, add the items in the list below to make a Panchamrit.

  • Unboiled cow's milk
  • Ganga Jal
  • Tulsi leaves
  • Ghee
  • Honey

Now, take your Santari Neelam ornament and immerse it in the Panchamrit for 5 to 10 minutes. While the ornament is resting in the bowl, set your intentions and results you desire from the stone. After that, take the ornament out, rinse using normal water and pat it dry. Your stone is now ready to wear.

How to Activate Orange Sapphire?

Activating a gemstone is essential and one should do it in every 2 to 3 months. If you want to energize your Orange Sapphire Stone, there are many simple yet effective ways. Let us look at some methods of activating and energizing your Santari Neelam below.

  • Saltwater: You can energize your Santari Neelam using a saltwater solution. In a bowl, prepare a saltwater mixture and immerse your stone in it overnight. The salt will cleanse away any negative vibes inside the stone. The next morning, take the gem out and pat it dry using a soft lint-free cloth.
  • Moonlight: The next simple yet powerful way to activate your stone is the moonlight. All you need to do is place your Santari Neelam under the moonlight overnight. The soothing and purifying rays of the moon help cleanse the unfavorable energy of the gem.
  • Sunlight: Finally, you can also use the sunlight to activate your gemstone. Take your Orange Sapphire, place it under the sunlight for an hour or so and remove it afterwards. The sun's rays can help amplify the powers of the stone.

How to Take Care of Orange Sapphire?

Cleaning and storing your Orange Sapphire the right way is a part of its maintenance. This is crucial to keep up the stone's beauty, brilliance, and longevity.

Santari Neelam exhibits a solid 9 rating on the Mohs scale. It means the gem has excellent toughness and resistance to scratch. Still, you need to take proper care of Sapphire without fail.

Here is how you can maintain your gem in good condition for a long time.

  • Cleaning: The best way to clean your Santari Neelam is to use warm, soapy water. Dip a soft cloth or brush in the soapy water and clean around the gem. Once done, rinse the stone with normal water and pat it dry with a soft lint-free cloth.
  • Storage: To avoid scratches and other damage, store the Sapphire away from other gems. We recommend keeping it in a separate storage box or pouch. A velvet-lined jewelry box or pouch would be preferable.

Remember to avoid harsh detergents and solvents like acetone or alcohol for cleaning. They can cause irreparable damage to the gemstone's surface. If your stone needs deep cleaning, we recommend taking it to a gemstone expert.

Alternate Options of Orange Sapphire

Santari Neelam is a unique gemstone and there is nothing quite like it. You will not find the beauty and fire of this stone in another. There might be some other orange gems available in the market, but they still will not be the same.

If you want to adorn this gemstone, contact GemsRoot. We offer natural Orange Sapphire stone at the best prices. Our gemstones are genuine, conflict-free, sustainable, ethical, and lab-certified. Call us at +91 114-314-8316 and our experts will get in touch with you for further help.


How to Identify Orange Sapphire?

If you want to identify a real Orange Sapphire Stone, look for inclusions. A natural Orange Sapphire will exhibit needle-like inclusions, yet no bubbles. If you find such inclusions in your stone, then it is real. Also, this orange gem should feel cool against your skin. This gemstone is a poor heat conductor and takes more time to warm up.

Are Orange Sapphires Rare?

Orange is one of the rarest occurring colors in Sapphires. So yes, natural, and untreated Orange Sapphires are rare. They make up only 0.001% of the stones you see for sale. The major sources are Sri Lanka and various parts of Africa.

What is the Orange Stone Sapphire Good for?

Santari Neelam offers countless benefits and blessings. The stone symbolizes inspiration, joy, and optimism. Adorning it imparts wisdom, creativity, courage, and happiness to the wearer. To buy Orange Sapphire Stone, contact us at GemsRoot. We offer 100% natural gemstones at the best prices.

When to Wear Orange Sapphire?

Orange Sapphire Stone is excellent for relaxing and soothing the mind. So, if you are seeking a stress-free and peaceful life, consider wearing Santari Neelam. This stone helps calm down both intrusive thoughts and mental tension. It further lightens and uplifts your body's harmony.

What is Orange Sapphire Worth?

Orange Sapphire stone can be expensive, especially if natural and untreated. Usually, Orange Sapphire price can start from INR 700/- and can go up to INR 50,000/- per carat plus. To buy natural and lab-certified Santari Neelam, contact us at GemsRoot. We offer high-quality gemstones at reasonable prices.

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