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Opal is one of the most popular gemstones which constitutes all the colors of the visible spectrum. The name Opal comes from the Greek word “Opallus” which means “to see a change”. This astrological substitute of precious diamond is worn for gaining tremendous success.

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Know more about Opal (uppal)

What is Opal Stone?

Humankind has not remained untouched by the allure of gemstones! Their mesmerizing beauty, vibrant colors and astronomical benefits are what make people spellbound. Usually, gems come in a single color, but do you know there's one that displays all colors of a rainbow? We are talking about one of the most attractive stones of the gemstone realm - Opal Stone.

Opal Gemstone is a form of silica known as amorphous. This gem's chemical composition is like that of quartz. Opal usually contains 3% - 21% water content in its mineral structure. Gem grade gemstones have around 6% - 10% water content in them. This stone is also known as Uppal, Upala, Kalimaya Stone and Dudhiya Pathar.

As per Vedic astrology, Uppal is a very auspicious stone that can bless the wearer abundantly. The stone represents the planet Venus, also known as Shukra in Hindi. Venus influences major aspects of our lives. The planet affects love, success, prosperity, and beauty. It influences how we communicate our desires, passions, values and much more.

If you want to enhance how you experience and relate to life, consider wearing Opal Gemstone. You will attract and receive all the blessings and benefits of Lord Shukra. But for that to happen, Venus needs to be in a favorable position in your birth chart. With Uppal, you can ensure that Lord Venus always smiles upon you!

Types of Opal Stone

An Opal Gemstone can fill a person's life with wonders! Plus, what's better than knowing that there is not one but different types of this stone? Yes, Uppal comes in several varieties, each exhibiting unique features and mystical benefits. Let's look at the most popular kind of Opal Ratan below. We hope there's one that catches your eye and captures your heart.

  • Plain Opal Gemstone: A plain Opal Gemstone is an attractive astrological stone. This semi-precious gem displays a milky white vibrant look. This semi-precious gem hails from the silicate mineral family.
  • Opal with Fire Stone: Next, we have Opal with Fire Stone. This gemstone has brilliance and fire. It displays an enchanting play of color. We can witness a spectrum of iridescent colors when seen under different light or angles.
  • Fire Opal Stone: A Fire Opal Stone is another variety of Uppal. This type exhibits a bright yellow, orange, or red background hue. This stone has a fiery energy like its name and is often used for astrological and spiritual reasons.

Here are some other varieties of Opal Ratan in the list below.

  • White Opal Stone
  • Black Opal
  • Water Opal
  • Blue Opal
  • Boulder and Matrix Opal
  • Cat's Eye Opal
  • Doublets and Triplets Opal

Benefits of Opal Stone

Opal Gemstone, the "Queen of Gems," is deserving of this title without a doubt. This stone is one of the most unique and beneficial gems worldwide. For ages, Uppal symbolized hope, truth, and purity. It is also associated with good luck and royalty. As per Vedic scriptures, the gem represents the celestial body/planet- Venus/Shukra. Wearing it can shower a native with Lord Shukra's blessings.

Let's look at the top benefits of Opal Gemstone below.

  • Improves Relationships: Opal Ratan can improve the relationships of the wearer. This gem makes the native more caring, loving, and affectionate. To promote understanding, compassion, and love in your relations, consider wearing Uppal.
  • Sharpens Mind: This stone helps sharpen the mind. Upala opens and clears the mind of the wearer. It makes people more rational, logical, analytical, and creative. One can make better decisions with the easy flow of thoughts.
  • Attracts Luxurious Lifestyle: Venus is often associated with luxuries and desires. Wearing an Opal Ratan can help attract all the success, prosperity, and luxuries in life. The gem can also help boost the native's social and financial status.
  • Mental Clarity: Upala blesses the wearer with mental clarity. This miraculous gem removes negative thoughts and feelings from the mind. It provides clarity and reflection of positive and negative emotions. Further, the stone regulates reaction towards every emotion.
  • Enhances Spirituality: The gemstone also opens the path to spirituality. The wearer can experience spiritual awareness, picking up their thoughts, desires, and emotions. The stone takes these feelings and boosts them. Thereby the wearer feels more in tune and conscious of themselves and others.
  • Amplifies Charm: As per popular beliefs, wearing Uppal amplifies beauty and personality. The stone radiates energies that brighten and refresh one's inner beauty. The inner beauty is then also reflected on the outside.
  • Aligns Sacral Chakra: Opal Gemstone also opens and balances the Sacral Chakra. This chakra is about sensuality, creativity, and joy. By adorning Upala Stone, a native can attract happiness, creativity, and much more.
  • Promotes Fertility: Finally, this gemstone also helps promote fertility. If you're a couple wanting to start a family and are having trouble, consider wearing an Opal.

To know more about this auspicious gem and to buy the original Opal Stone, contact GemsRoot. We offer our buyers a reasonable Opal Stone price.

How to Choose the Best Opal Stone?

Like fingerprints, each gemstone is different. Likewise, the process of choosing the best Opal Gemstone also varies. The quality key attributes are slightly different than what we usually witness. Opals vary a lot in appearance and features. We check this stone's quality based on three main factors - color, pattern, and clarity. Besides, there are other aspects too.

Here's how you can select the best Uppal Stone.

  • Color: Opals come in different colors. They can either display one color or all the colors of a rainbow. So, it depends on what kind of opal you're looking for to make a proper evaluation. There's opal with fire stone, black opal, fire opal, and a lot more colors.
  • Pattern: The pattern refers to the arrangement of the stone's play of color. The hues can be large or small spots or streaks that run across the gem. Experts usually like large spots of color that are bright and vibrant. The brighter the hues, the more valuable the Opal.
  • Clarity & Transparency: An Uppal's clarity can range from transparent to opaque. Different transparency levels are desired for different types of Opals. Fire Opals display transparency, while other varieties are opaque. There should be a fiery pattern that’s prominent and evenly distributed on both sides of the gem.
  • Cut: When checking the Opal's cut, look for symmetry, thickness, and polish. Also, remember to check the sizing and calibration. This stone must be cut in a way that maximizes its play of color.
  • Carat: Opal Gemstones come in a broad range of carat weights. If you want to buy this stone for astrological reasons, then you must buy an ideal carat weight, Opal. If you weigh 60 Kg, you must wear at least a 6-carat Opal Ratan.

If you want to buy an original Opal Stone, contact us at GemsRoot. We offer Opal rings for women as well as men Opal rings.

How Many Carats of Opal Stone Should I Wear?

Like every other gem, one must wear an Opal Gemstone of a certain carat weight. Usually, this stone should be 1/10th of the wearer's total body weight. For example, if your total body weight is 50 Kg, you should wear at least a 5-carat original Opal Stone Ring. Whereas, if you weigh 60 Kg, you must wear a 6-carat Uppal Stone Ring and so on.

Price of Opal Stone

The cost of the "Queen of Gems” or “Ratnarani”, Opal/Uppal, can often reach soaring heights in the market. It's because of the stone's mesmerizing beauty, the play of colors, and mystical properties. An original Opal Stone price in India can start from INR 300/- and can go up to 8,000/- per carat plus. Let's see the natural Opal Stone price in India in detail below.

  • The price of a plain Opal can fall between the range of INR 300/- to 500/- per carat plus.
  • Fire Opal price range can start from INR 3,000/- and can go up to 5,000/- per carat plus.
  • Whereas the price of Opal with Fire can start from INR 2,000/- and can go up to 8,000/- per carat plus.

For more information on the original Opal Stone price, contact us at GemsRoot.

Who Should Wear Opal Stone?

Anyone can adorn an original Opal Stone ring/pendant/bracelet as a jewelry piece. But if you want to wear this gem for astrological reasons, it's best to consult an astrologer first. A learned astrologer will offer gem advice based on your date of birth/birth chart analysis. In general, the zodiac natives of Taurus and Libra can wear Uppal.

If you want to wear an Opal Ring or want to know if this stone suits you, contact us at GemsRoot.

How to Wear Opal Stone?

To achieve all the blessings and benefits of an Opal Gemstone, you must adhere to a Vedic ritual. Following a proper procedure is essential. It not only makes the stone ready for wearing but also amplifies its powers. You need to purify and energize your gemstone ornament, then proceed to adorn it. Below we've shared the simplest method to purify an Opal ring/pendant/bracelet.

Before beginning the Puja Vidhi, make sure you have all the items in the list below.

  • 1 spoon curd
  • Ganga Jal
  • Honey
  • Ghee
  • Tulsi Leaves

Once you have all the above items, take a clean metal bowl. Add the items into the bowl, one by one to create a Panchamrit/mixture. Then, take your Opal ring or ornament and immerse it in the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes.

While the ornament is in the Panchamrit, chant "Om Shun Shukraay Namah/ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः" 108 times. After that, take your ornament out, rinse with water and pat dry. Your original Opal Stone Ring/pendant/bracelet is now ready to wear.

Best Day: Friday/शुक्रवार

Auspicious Time: 5 AM - 7:30 AM

Ideal Metal: Silver or Gold or as suggested by the astrologer

Ideal Finger: Index Finger or as suggested by the astrologer

Mantra: Recite "Om Shun Shukraay Namah/ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः" for 108 times

Disclaimer: The best metal or finger can differ depending on a person's birth chart. So, contact our Vedic Astro experts for guidance on the same.

How do I Activate Opal stone?

After purification, it is important to activate the gemstone. Once you've purified your Opal Ratan, always follow up with an activation process. To energize your Uppal, you need to pray to Lord Venus as this stone represents this potent planet. Start the activation by placing your original Opal Stone Ring or other ornament on a clean cloth.

Then recite the Shukra mantra "Om Shun Shukraay Namah/ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः" for 108 times. While chanting the mantra, set your intentions for wearing this stone and pray to Lord Venus to bless you. After this, you can wear your gemstone and receive the desired positive results. Uppal can bring prosperity, peace, mental clarity, spirituality, marital bliss and much more.

How to Take Care of Opal Stone?

An Opal Gemstone has a fair rating of 5 - 6.5 on the Mohs scale. This signifies that it's not as hard as some other gemstones like rubies or sapphires. But this gem is still great for daily wear, all you need to do is take good care of it. The best way to maintain your Opal Ratan is to clean it using warm soapy water.

Start by taking lukewarm water in a bowl and adding a small amount of gentle soap. Stir well to create a soapy solution. Then take a soft cloth, dip it in the soapy solution and clean around the stone. If your ring or ornament needs a deep clean, it's best to take it to a professional. Also, remember to store the stone in a different soft box or pouch.

Alternate Options of Opal Gemstone

The allure, healing properties and benefits of an Opal Ratan are out of this world. Yet some people might pursue the alternatives of this gem. This often happens when they cannot afford the stone. As we saw the original Opal Stone price in India can skyrocket.

Other times, some buyers are looking for something more specific. As discussed, the Opal gem represents the planet Venus, also known as Shukra. Usually, astrologers suggest Uppal as a substitute for Diamond. People also prefer other Venus stones apart from Upala and Diamond. Here are some other Venus stones you can opt for besides Opal Gemstone.

  • Natural White Zircon
  • White Topaz
  • White Sapphire
  • Clear Quartz
  • White Beryl
  • Aquamarine
  • Rose Quartz.


What is Opal Stone?

Opal Gemstone is a sedimentary stone used for astrological reasons. This gem is an amorphous arrangement of silica. It has a chemical composition like quartz. Opal is also known as Uppal or Upala. Uppal can bless the wearer with success, peace, harmonious relationships and much more.

Who Can Wear Opal Stone?

In general, zodiacs including Taurus and Libra can wear an Opal Ring/pendant/bracelet. But we recommend talking to an expert astrologer before adorning this gem. They will offer the best gem advice based on your birth chart/Kundali. After gem consultation, you can wear your original Opal Stone Ring and reap its blessings.

How to Wear Opal Stone Ring?

The right way to wear an Opal Ratan is to first purify and then activate it. Upon purification and energization, the Opal ornament will be ready to wear. Remember, the best day to wear this gem is Friday between 5 AM - 7:30 AM. Make sure you wear it with the right metal and finger. Finally, chant the mantra "Om Shun Shukraay Namah/ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः" for 108 times.

How to Charge Opal Stone?

To charge the Opal Gemstone, keep your ring or ornament on a clean piece of cloth. Then fold your hands and recite the mantra"Om Shun Shukraay Namah/ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः" for 108 times. While you chant the mantra, pray to Lord Venus to bless you with success, peace, and happiness. Now, your Opal Ring is charged and ready to put on.

Which Day to Wear Opal Stone?

The auspicious day to wear Opal Ratan is Friday. If you want more information on the same, get in touch with our experts at GemsRoot.

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