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A Guide Different Types of Opal Gemstone

A Guide Different Types of Opal Gemstone

  • Posted by: Admin

Opal is far more than a mere gemstone. It is a fascinating miracle of nature, holding galaxies within itself. Did you know it comes in plenty of varieties? Also known as the October birthstone, there is a world of opal stones available across the globe.

When it comes to opal meaning, it symbolizes love, hope, faith, truth, luck, and divine purity. However, the meaning of this gemstone can vary depending on the type of opal. So, what are the unique types of opal stone? In this blog, let us explore all types of opals, delighting seekers worldwide.

Opal Terminology You Must Know

All opals fall into two categories - precious opals and common opals. The contrast between the two is the presence of the "Opalescence" effect in precious opals. The opalescence phenomenon is the play of colors on the surface of the precious opal variety. The same phenomenon is absent in the common opal variety.

It appears to glitter and shimmer when the viewing angle changes. The play of colors at times is so intense and striking that it is also referred to as "fire." In simple terms, opal's play of colors is a unique and hypnotic feature alluring everyone.

Now, let us better understand precious and common opals.

Precious Opals

Precious opal is an opal variety with the presence of Opalescence. It is the epitome of elegance and luxury. This opulent gem displays an enchanting play of colors, also known as "opal fire." The opal fire changes with the change in the angle of observation.

This effect is a result of light diffracting and interfering with the spheres of silica. These spheres are microscopic and present inside the gemstone. Fire opal is sought-after worldwide for its exceptional beauty. It is often used as a centerpiece in jewelry or used for astrological purposes.

Common Opals

Common opal is another beautiful variety of opals. The Opalescence effect is not seen in this opal variety. While it may not exhibit the famous play of colors, the common opal has its own charm and beauty. It is also well-known as "potch opal."

This gemstone might look like a simple colored stone but is of superior quality. People looking for an affordable option can go for a common opal. Buyers will not have to sacrifice uniqueness or quality. So, do not let the term "common" mislead you.

Factors Determining Opal Varieties

Precious and common opal are the types of opal stones, but how do we classify them? Classification is an intricate procedure governed by several factors. These factors contribute to the gem's extraordinary character and appeal. Let us get conversant with the determining factors below.

  • Play of Color: The first variety determining factor is the opal stone color. The engrossing exhibition of hues gleam and dance beneath the surface of the gem. The color spectrum can range from fiery reds and oranges to cool greens and blues. Each hue reflects a distinct facet of Opal's personality.
  • Pattern: The pattern of the stone also has a considerable influence on classification. The pattern determines the disposition and flow of hues within the Uppal. This creates a visual spectacle as special as a snowflake. The pattern can look like pinfire (small color specks) or broad flash (large color belts).
  • Body Tone: The body tone refers to the base hue of the stone. It is another factor determining the kinds of opal. Uppal's body tone can differ from light, like white or crystal or dark like black or dark grey. It is like a canvas for the Opalescence, muting or enhancing colors based on their intensity.
  • Brilliance: Brilliance is the measurement of color intensity and brightness. This factor also plays a significant role in the classification and quality of Uppal. A high-quality opal will display rich, vibrant colors, even under low light conditions. This makes it a desirable possession among opal lovers.
  • Transparency: Finally, we have Opal's transparency. A translucent gem allows light to pass through enhancing the play of colors. Whereas a solid one reflects light from its surface. Both types offer unique mesmerizing exhibitions of hues.

Now that we know the factors guiding opal types, let us explore different opal varieties.

Did You Know?

Opal is the National Gemstone of Australia.

Types of Opal Gemstones

The opal realm is diverse like an artist's palette. Each Uppal type offers a unique blend of hues, patterns, and brilliance. This celestial gemstone holds the universe within its heart. You are sure to find one that resonates with your personality. So, let us get started!

White Opal

White opal, also known as "milky opal," is a stunning opal variety. This gem exudes elegance and serenity, popular for its light body tone. It can range from translucent to semi-translucent, with a pale white or light cream base.

The soft body tone offers a delicate canvas for color play. This gem serves a harmonious blend of subtle yet vibrant hues. While all Uppal stones are rare, common white opal is available in plenty. It is an excellent choice if you want to make your first opal investment.

Black Opal

Black opal is as deep and mysterious as the night sky. It is often revered for its black body tone, offering a great canvas for a dazzling color play. It gets its body color from impurities such as carbon and iron dioxide present.

This variety is famous for displaying rainbow colors that shimmer with every moment. That is why it is also considered the crown jewel of the family of opals. It is usually mined in Australia where it is very loved for color intensity and brilliance.

Fire Opal

Fire opal, also known as the sunstone, is another desirable opal variety. This gem draws attention with its intense red, orange, and yellow color. It is proof of the breathtaking beauty and raw energy that lies in the heart of Mother Earth.

The way fire opal forms is a wonder of nature. Unlike its counterparts, fire opal forms in the depths of fiery volcanos. It forms when lava from volcanos cools, the water in the lava is trapped within the mineral structure. Other Uppal stones form in the sedimentary rocks.

Boulder Opal

Boulder opal is a precious and rugged beauty in the opal realm. It forms in the cavities and crevices of ironstone boulders. This stone also forms in an extraordinary manner. Over time, silica-rich water seeps into the boulder voids and hardens, creating opals.

When Uppal is cut along the ironstone, it results in beautiful boulder opals. This gem exhibits vibrant colorful veins running through a matrix of earthy ironstone. This variety of Uppal gemstones is also known as "brown opals."

Blue Opal

Also known as the "gem of the gods," blue opal is magical with its beauty. Its appearance is reminiscent of the tranquil ocean depths. Blue opal exhibits soothing colors, ranging from the sky to deeper hues of marine blue.

The allure of blue Uppal is unmatched and unique when compared to color palette of other opals. The blue results from the diffraction caused by tiny silica spheres. When these spheres are of comparable size and close to one another, they diffract, giving a blue color.

Crystal Opal

As the name suggests, crystal opal is a transparent to semi-transparent opal type. It captures hearts with its clear or light body color. It offers a delightful play of colors on its canvas. Its transparency and glow serve as a window into the gemstone's soul.

Originating from Australia, crystal opal displays any hue in different patterns. The spectators can lose themselves in the iridescent color play of crystal opal. Its beauty amplifies as light passes through, displaying an interplay of light and hues. It is like looking into a kaleidoscope of shifting colors and patterns.

Matrix Opal

Matrix opal is another unique opal kind. This precious stone lives up to its name, the gem is diffused as veins, pinpoints, or networks within a host gem. This formation leads to stunning color play. The vibrant Uppal colors are woven into earthy tones.

This variety is also harder and stronger compared to its counterparts. It is usually mined from Andamooka, South Australia. Besides, matrix Uppal color play is diverse and unpredictable. This Uppal is a special work of art with depth and complexity.

Pink Opal

As the name suggests, pink opal is a common opal variety. These opals have a calming and soothing appearance, mined in Peru, Australia, and the US. It does not display color play but is still a charming Uppal type. The pink results from inclusions of silicate mineral palyorskite, plus some other compounds.

Green Opal

The green opal stone is a common opal type. It comes in striking green shades like of emerald, yellow-green and/or muted jade hue. It is mined in 6 continents, the most prominent ones are Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and the USA.

Dendritic Opal

Dendritic Opal has tree-like inclusions giving it a peculiar pattern. It is also known as dendritic agate or moss opal. Its pattern makes it an appealing and sought-after gemstone. This stone is usually mined in the US, Mexico, and Peru.

Peruvian Opal

Another opal type on our list is the Peruvian opal. It is popular for its blue-green hue, making it an exceptional beauty. It is exclusively mined in Peru and its color is relaxing. The stone's hue represents a peaceful midnight sky or tropical waters.

Hyalite Opal

Finally, on our list, we have hyalite opal. It is also known as glass opal because of its clear, transparent, and glossy appearance. This type also exhibits fluorescence when under UV rays, further adding to its sheen. Some of the most notable sources of hyalite are Slovakia, Mexico, Germany, and the US.

How to Choose the Right Opal Stone?

We know learning about diverse types of opals is enticing. If you want to buy one, make sure to choose the right opal stone. When buying, consider the color palette you want. Plus, ensure you are buying from a trusted brand. A brand that deals in high-quality and ethical opals like GemsRoot.

At GemsRoot, we offer 100% natural opal stones at the best price. Our Uppal stones are real, ethical, sustainable, conflict-free, and lab-certified. Dive into opal's ethereal and charming beauty. Besides, each opal is associated with countless healing properties and astrological benefits. To know if opal stone is lucky for you, call us today.

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