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9 Powerful and Auspicious Gemstones of Vedic Astrology

9 Powerful and Auspicious Gemstones of Vedic Astrology

  • Posted by: Admin

Deep-rooted in the Vedas, the knowledge of gemstones is built on the stars and the nine planets. The stars and the nine planets certainly have a considerable influence on our lives. As per the Hindu Vedas, our lives are especially meant for spiritual growth. A person's karma facilitates this growth.

It is believed that every thought and action (karma) have a fitting reaction. So, every person's karma is related to the position of stars and planets in their birth chart. Astrology helps in fathoming one's karma by reading the position of stars and planets.

Through Astro gemstones, one can channel the planet's frequency, transforming their lives. Vedic astrology is the eye of the Vedas, it provides guidance to every individual who seeks it. In this blog, let us explore the divine 9 gemstones and how they impact the stars and planets in our horoscope. Let us get started!

9 Vedic Astrology Gems, Their Associated Planets & Zodiac Signs

As we know, there are 9 Vedic gemstones, each associated with the 9 planets in astrology. The position of planets can yield positive or negative results in life as per their position. The astrology stones can strengthen planetary positions for peace, prosperity, and success. Let us see which gemstone is associated with which planet and zodiac sign below.

GemstoneGemstone PlanetZodiac Sign
Red CoralMarsAries, Scorpio
EmeraldMercuryGemini, Virgo
Yellow SapphireJupiterSagittarius, Pisces
DiamondVenusTaurus, Libra
Blue SapphireSaturnCapricorn, Aquarius
Cat’s Eye

Now, let us get to know how planetary gemstones influence the effect of planets in our lives.

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Navratna Jewelry was worn in form of an amulet by the kings and the emperors during ancient times.


Ruby, also known as Manik Stone, is a powerful and auspicious gemstone. As per Vedic astrology, Ruby represents the Sun, harboring its strength and qualities. This gem's association with the Sun presents it with names like the "king of gemstones," or "Ratnaraj." Some other names for Ruby Stone are Manikya, Ratnanayaka, and Padmaraga.

In Vedic astrology, the Sun (Surya) symbolizes leadership, vitality, authority, and father figures. Besides, it also stands for soul, self-expression, creativity, confidence, health, and divine consciousness. Likewise, Ruby also represents leadership, power, prosperity, health, confidence and more. So, if Surya is weak in your horoscope, wearing the gem of the Sun can help strengthen it.


Next on our Navratna list is the gemstone from the depths of the ocean - Pearl. Pearl is also known as Moti Stone, Chandra Ratna, Tarak Ratna, and Mukta. As per Vedic scriptures, the Pearl stone represents the feminine planet, Moon. In astrology, the Moon represents mental strength, emotional power, sensitivities, and subconscious aspects.

Pearl Stone harbors the qualities and positive attributes of this planet. Wearing it can help pacify the moon, bestowing several benefits on the wearer. Upon adorning Moti, you can experience peace, hope, mental clarity, and harmonious relationships. To strengthen the weak or afflicted Moon in your birth chart, consider wearing Pearl.

Red Coral

Red Coral, also known as Moonga, is one of the nine divine gemstones. Moonga has strong associations with the influential planet Mars (Mangal). As per astrology, Mars is a dynamic planet, representing action, survival, and desires. This planet regulates how we navigate through life. It shapes how we face challenges, assert ourselves and pursue our goals.

Wearing Red Coral can promote positive influences of Mars in a native's life. It can bring ambition, action, energy, financial stability, and success in life. So, talk to a learned astrologer to know if Moonga Stone is suitable for you. They will recommend it based on Mangal's position in your birth chart.


Emerald is one of the most significant stones among the nine gemstones. Emerald Stone in Hindi is also known as Panna. As per Vedic science, the Panna gem represents the planet Mercury, also known as Budh. This gives the stone another name, that is, Budh Ratna. Mercury oversees communication, cognition, wisdom, success and much more.

Panna also represents new beginnings, growth, purity, peace, and knowledge. It is best for natives with an afflicted or malefic Mercury in their horoscope. A malefic Mercury can bring adversity in life, and wearing a Panna can help manage that. It can bring life-changing benefits such as enhanced intellect, and financial and creative ventures.

Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire is one of the most auspicious and favorable gemstones out of all nine gems. It is also known as Pukhraj, Push Raj or Peetamani. Pukhraj Stone holds a special position in astrology with its association with Jupiter. This planet symbolizes growth, expansion, good fortune, prosperity, healing, and divine miracles.

A weak Jupiter can lead to a lack of enthusiasm, pessimism, and consistent struggles in life. Wearing planetary gemstones, Pukhraj can help strengthen Jupiter's position in your horoscope. Upon adorning this stone, you can experience good fortune, growth, luck, and much more. Remember, it is a powerful stone, so consult an expert to check its suitability.


Diamond is also an integral part of the nine Vedic gemstones. Diamond in Hindi is better known as Heera, representing the planet, Venus. This planet is usually associated with love, beauty, passion, and luxury. Venus can have positive influences in our lives if well-placed in our birth chart.

Wearing a Diamond (Heera) can help better Venus's position in your horoscope. It can make you gentler, loving, understanding, compassionate and sensitive. It can also bless you with outer beauty, an attractive personality, and the luxuries of life. To know if a Diamond is favorable for you, consult an expert gemologist or astrologer.

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire is one of the most powerful and fastest-acting stones in the gemstone realm. Blue Sapphire is also known as Neelam Stone, representing Saturn (Shani). Not everyone can wear Neelam, and expert guidance is a must to wear it. One can see instant results and transformation upon wearing this gemstone.

In astrology, Saturn represents responsibility, structure, and discipline. Its position in one's horoscope indicates how one manages difficulties, manages responsibilities, and works towards their goal. Wear Blue Sapphire to harness all the positive qualities of Shani. You can gain wisdom, knowledge, discipline, and transformation upon adorning Neelam.


Hessonite, also known as Gomed, is another stone holding a special place in Hindu Vedas. As per astrology, the Gomed stone represents the planet Rahu, a shadow planet. When Rahu is well-placed in one's birth chart, the native can enjoy several benefits.

This stone blesses its wearer with a clear and inventive mind, protecting them from negativity. It is best for people who suffer from stress, anxiety, and fear in their daily lives. Wear Hessonite to dispel timidity, confusion, and fear from the mind. It further improves the concentration of the native.

Cat's Eye

Finally, on our Navratna list, we have Cat's Eye, also known as Lehsuniya. Cat's Eye represents Ketu, a spiritual planet. When Ketu is in a favorable position in one's birth chart, one can enjoy countless benefits. The wearer can enjoy prosperity, protection from evil, and envious people. Wearing it can also help improve health, grow business, and revive failing businesses.

Get Accurate Astro Gemstone Consultation at GemsRoot

The image of astrological stones is making progress around the world. People are learning about them, wearing them, and also gaining their benefits. This enhances their fascination, reverence, and faith towards these Vedic gemstones. If you too want to wear these gems and garner their countless benefits, contact GemsRoot.

At GemsRoot, we help you choose your lucky Astro gemstone as per your birth chart. Our expert gemologists offer accurate gem advice based on your date of birth. Also, we offer 100% natural and lab-certified stones for astrology at the best prices. Our Navratnas, the divine nine gems, are ethical, sustainable, and conflict-free.

Call us for personalized and accurate Vedic gemstone advice today!

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