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10 Astrological Benefits of Moonstone That You Must Know

10 Astrological Benefits of Moonstone That You Must Know

  • Posted by:GemsRoot Team

Moonstone, a gemstone that is reminiscent of the billowy moonlight! Moonstone has captivated the heart of humanity with its ethereal glow for centuries. It is popular and revered for its unique play of light and blue-to-white adularescence. Nonetheless, the magnetic appeal of this stone transcends its aesthetic charm.

Moonstone is a beacon of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. The stone has metaphysical, and healing properties derived from the moon. As per astrology, wearing it can enrich and transform your life in unexpected ways. If you want to harness the yin energy of the moon, keep on reading.

In this blog, we will explore more about Moonstone and moonstone benefits. Let us get started!

What is Moonstone Gemstone?

The semi-precious natural Moonstone comes from the feldspar-group mineral orthoclase. Found all over the world, this stone is well-known for its adularescence. When forming, orthoclase and albite split into alternating layers. When light falls between these layers, it disperses leading to the phenomenon - adularescence.

Let us look at the physical and chemical characteristics of a natural Moonstone.

Mineral Feldspar
Chemical Formula KAlSi3O8
Hardness 6 to 6.5 rating on the Mohs scale
Color Colorless to White, Gray, Peach, Green and Brown
Refractive Index 1.518 - 1.526
Specific Gravity 2.58
Origin Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Austria, Australia, Finland, Mexico, Madagascar, Norway, Switzerland, Tanzania, and the USA

Moonstone Meaning - Moonstone is a gemstone of hope and new beginnings. It is a lucky charm often associated with emotions, mothers, and the cyclic nature of women. It has also been linked to love, protection, fertility and of course, the moon. Moonstone in astrology represents the feminine and favorable planet moon.

Moonstone derives its name from its visual characteristic visual phenomenon called adularescence. This phenomenon produces a milky and bluish interior light. It is also known as Chandrakant or Chandramani. Wearing it can help channel intuition, peace, healing, inner goodness and much more.

Let us get to know Chandramani stone benefits below.

Surprising Astrological Benefits of Moonstone

Moonstone is a popular gemstone choice for jewelry. Nonetheless, this stone has huge significance in the spiritual and astrology realm. As per Vedic astrology, wearing this stone can bless you with the positive qualities of the moon. Whereas Greeks and Romans also considered it as a divine gem, relating it to their gods and goddesses.

Scroll down if you want to know more about moonstone gemstone benefits.

  • Soothing Effects: Chandrakant Stone harbors innate stability and powers. These qualities of a natural moonstone help with emotional healing, confidence, and balance. Wearing it can help you regain equilibrium, inner strength, and empowerment. It gives you all the gem's powers you need to overcome your life challenges with grace.
  • Nurturing Energy: This gemstone has a feminine nurturing energy. Its feminine energy is excellent for balancing hormones and enhancing vitality and well-being. Wearing Chandramani can help regulate menstrual cycles and offer relief during childbirth. Besides, it symbolizes female empowerment, compassion, acceptance, and spirituality in women.
  • Traveler's Guardian: Natural Moonstone has proved to be a powerful talisman for travelers. Wearing this gem can help safeguard your journey, preventing any mishaps or accidents. Besides, the metaphysical energies of the stone help open your heart chakra. This further enhances your psychic abilities, sense of protection and guidance.
  • Peace Provider: Chandramani's serene energy acts as a peace and harmony enhancer. If you are struggling with insensitivity or aggression, then it can be beneficial for you. By balancing energies and inner peace, it becomes easier to adjust to life changes. While promoting tranquility, you can also attract opportunities and fortunes with Moonstone.
  • Healing Gemstone: This gemstone is well-known for its extraordinary healing properties. Adorning natural Moonstone can help overcome and offer relief from various ailments. It aids health issues affecting the pancreas, spleen, liver, and stomach. This further promotes detoxification and restoration, great for hormonal growth and digestive health.
  • Enhances Creativity: Chandramani stone is full of lunar energy. This energy can be favorable for people working in creative domains. The stone can be a great inspiration source, sparking creativity and stimulating imagination. To tap into new ideas and perspectives, adorn a Moonstone ring, pendant or bracelet. It is best for writers, artists and anyone wishing to unlock their creative potential.
  • Chakra Balancing: One of the major moonstone ring benefits is that it helps align chakras. Wearing it opens and balances the third eye chakra, promoting spirituality and intuition. It offers you a sense of oneness with the universe and a better understanding of it. Adorn it to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.
  • Inner & Outer Beauty: Moonstone restores the divine energy in both men and women. If you are seeking beautiful skin and beauty from within, consider wearing it. The gem resolves emotional issues and hormonal changes, enhancing inner and outer beauty.
  • Mindfulness: Wearing Chandramani can deepen your connection with the universe. The gemstone can help you gain a sense of unity with the rhythm of life. So, use it while meditating to improve your focus and mindfulness.
  • New Beginnings: The moon is a potent symbol of transition and manifestation. So, whether you are embarking on a new journey in life or manifesting new things, wear a natural Moonstone. This gem encourages you to welcome changes with open arms in all aspects of life.

There is no doubt in the fact that Chandrakant is a magnificent stone. But can anyone wear it to garner the above-mentioned benefits? Let us find the answer to this question below.

Who Should Wear Moonstone?

Moonstone’s benefits are countless and unimaginable. But can every zodiac sign wear it? Even though there are side effects of Moonstone, it is best to consult an expert first. Expert gemologists have better knowledge about gemstones and who can wear them. In general, this lucky stone is favorable for Cancer zodiac sign natives.

Besides, the ascendants of Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces can also wear it. To know if Chandramani is lucky for you, consult our experts at GemsRoot. They offer gem advice based on your birth chart, Kundali and Lagna. If you want to gain the most benefit of wearing a Moonstone, call us today.

Buy Natural Moonstone Online from GemsRoot!

From rich symbolism to surprising astrological benefits, natural Moonstone continues to capture the hearts of people. Its alluring adularescence, timeless charm and sparkling glow go beyond the surface, transcending into metaphysical benefits. Now that you know the moonstone's meaning and benefits, we are sure you must be tempted to wear a Chandramani.

So, if you want to buy Moonstone online, contact us at GemsRoot. We offer 100% natural gemstones at the best prices. Our stones are conflict-free, lab-certified, ethical, and sustainable. Visit our Moonstone collection or call us at +91 114-314-8316 today!



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A team of expert writers with deep knowledge of gemstones, experienced in creating research-based content for educational, promotional, and informational purposes. The blogs, articles, and all informational content are strategically crafted to simplify the science, history, and spiritual aspects of gemstones for enthusiasts, customers, and professionals, with every detail reviewed by gemology and astrology experts for accuracy.

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